
Monarch Room News October 2019

September was a very good month for the Monarch children. It’s clear that the children have put down roots and that they see the room as their own. Together we move through our routines and rituals, we laugh and play, we work and sing and dance.

Over the past weeks we’ve spent time learning about Monarch Butterflies – including their life cycle and migration habits. This study coincided perfectly with the children’s creation of the Travel Game. They played this game in several variations with children coming and going as the game lasted over a few weeks. Sometimes they traveled by train, sometimes by airplane or car. There wasn’t always a clear destination – but there was a focus on preparations. Some days the children would use clip boards to hold paper so they could check in who was traveling. Some days the focus was on food – gathering, preparing, and serving the travelers. This game prompted me to ask families for maps and to suggest making Map Books. I’ve had as many maps, map puzzles, and atlases out as I can find. The children are noticing details, asking many questions, and comparing the many maps. It’s been a wonderful child-led study. I’m still collecting maps if you have some to share for cutting and play. Also, any resources that we can share and return are appreciated. Thanks so much.

To continue to support this study, we’ll be reading How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman. Not only will this book add to the children’s interests in travel and maps, it opens the door to introduce the children to the science of apples. It’s also a perfect segue to try our hand at making butter! I have a favorite version of a magical story telling how apples came to have stars that will lead to making apple prints and apple sauce. October will also find us busy with many pumpkin and leaf projects. I love this time of year!

If you find any fall treasures please allow your child to bring them to school – colorful leaves, acorns, dried flowers – all treasures are welcome.

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Monarch Room News October 2019

September was a very good month for the Monarch children. It’s clear that the children have put down roots and that they see the room as their own. Together we move through our routines and rituals, we laugh and play, we work and sing and dance.